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    Lot51: The most feel-good time of your day, in Ilissia

    In her book North of Beautiful, Justina Chen writes, “Adventure in life is good. A specialty coffee is even better “. Lot51 combines both in the most enjoyable way, since in recent years it has developed into one of the most interesting little nook in Athens, with a coffee shop where everyone is welcome and with a menu that takes taste to the next level and surprises pleasantly. 

    The starting point of all is good coffee: Lot51 introduces you to “good” specialty coffee that is of top quality and floods your mouth with notes and aftertaste like a modern elixir, even if you are not an expert on farms and altitudes and you do not know what is aeropress and V60 are. Single origin coffees from Brazil, Ethiopia and other exotic destinations here are weighed and prepared with mastery by experienced baristas, offering you coffees that triumph in both cold and hot versions. Helpers in all the above are Area 51 Coffee Roasters – hence the “51” in their name.

    At Lot51 specialization, dedication and active interest in development do not end there. Through a list that is divided into sections, the taste is carved and sharpened to give special delights to each of its offerings. From the excellent brunch (which has become an institution here), to the comfort food proposals, the refined bakeries or the fine drinking options, Lot51 does not “lame” anywhere and promises to keep you happy from morning till late the evening with its flavors, music and atmosphere.

    Cinammon rolls and cookies have become its trademark. They are made and baked in house and will drive you crazy. Extremely delicious are the banana bread and the babka rolls, with chocolate brioche with dark chocolate and hazelnut praline (a revelation!) In the roster of sweets, you will also discover cereal bars and buns from tsoureki – the perfect suggestions to combine with your perfect coffee.

    Innovative is the bottling of its cold brew coffee – which is a product of many hours and long extraction and offers a unique taste – in a soft drink can, to “stock” your fridge and always have the ideal coffee one step away from your palm. Also, if you are a “home barista”, you can order all its retail products, such as packaged coffees from its coffee grinder, or the new eco friendly handmade ceramic utensils of its own brand, Project Earth Ceramics such as mugs, plates and teapots. 

    It goes without saying that from a store that puts a “check” on everything special and that “excels” in everything, you should not miss to try the fine Neapolitan pizzas, such as Chorizo, with San Marzano tomato sauce, mozzarella, chorizo ​​and parmesan or his burgers embracing in a brioche bun a cart of delicious ingredients. For the most refreshing epilogue, combine the above with one of its cool cocktails. 

    Papadiamantopoulou 24B, Athens, tel. 6937337066 
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